So I was going to start this years I am! After almost four years I've finally figured out what I want to do this blog. That already says a lot about how decisive I am. You see, I do have a decent excuse in that two of the those years I served an LDS mission to Germany, and then going to school at Brigham Young University Idaho never gave me much time either. So, now that I have time, I still wait a month before I finally decide to do something about this blog. So, here it is the product of Google and my genius, ready to take things to the next level. But first, I felt my title merited an explanation. Which believe it or not is the entire point of my first point. It's come from about a year ago, my friend and I decided we were in "limbo." You see I'd returned from serving a mission to Germany and she'd finally finished college at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. We both were pretty much stuck with nothing to do for several months, while she tried to get into graduate schools, and I waited for school to start in Idaho. It really was a "limbo" state for both of us and so ever since I've jokingly seen this part of my life as young single adult as limbo. That stage for most between high school and marriage where everything seems a shot in dark. The stage where so little seems certain, and moving on to marriage/ family seems better than it probably really is. I realize it's probably a corny way of looking at it, but I pride myself a little too much on being both corny and weird. I also don't want people to think I'm complaining either, limbo has actually been some of the best times of my life. This is a wonderful time of learning and discovery for me. It's a time I'm free to do things and have adventures that future responsibilities may limit. So, besides rambling philosophical and criticizing modern media, I want this blog to help others see the beauty, in the seeming "limbo" that is the young single adult life. As stagnant as things may seem, life's only as boring as you make it. I've only really begun to learn this lesson myself. Hopefully, this blogs helps the reader and the author better understand this concept. There is so much good in life, especially in this time that seems so uncertain. Writing this is my attempt to understand, embrace and enjoy these formative years, while maybe providing some inspiration to those experiencing a similar time in life. Well, now that I'm experiencing writer's block this would be a good time to end. I wish those reading the best on the their journey through life.
Until next time...
Sincerely, The voice from Limbo
Until next time...
Sincerely, The voice from Limbo
Hurray for joining the blogosphere!